Playing with Strangers Session No. 10
Playing with Strangers Session No. 10 members consists of members of these bands:
Good Bones, MKB ULTRA, KAW, Great American Trainwreck, Eric Blu & the Soul Revue, The One Man Bandit
Session No. 10 was to take place on February 9, 2019, which turned to to be during one of Seattle’s “Snowmageddons”. Even though everyone made it to all of the session, the last day, Feb, 9th, was particularly treacherous. I had already cancelled the live show but we were slated to get good takes for all of these songs.
Having driven to Soundhouse I realized that the roads were pretty bad and I immediately checked in with everyone letting them know that we could schedule it for some other day, but all of them, including Chris who was coming from North Bend, wanted to press forward.
Press forward they did. And here’s the music to prove it!
released November 1, 2022
Dan Rogers/ Bass, BVoc
Mia Boyle/ Vocals, Guitar
Bill Wolford/ Guitar
Kevin Cook/ Drums
Chris Blankenburg/ Keys
Engineer/ Mike Sebring
Album Art (Painting in the TV)/ Garry Transue
Mixing Engineer/ Mike Sebring
Mastering Engineer/ Jack Endino
Produced by Mike Sebring
copyright Mike Sebring 2022
all rights reserved